Pánska tenisová obuv Joma Ace Pro Men 2201 využíva moderné technické riešenia, ktoré zaručia pohodlie a správne odpruženie počas pohybu na kurte a odolná konštrukcia zároveň znižuje riziko zranenia.
Tento tenisový model ponúka stabilitu, ochranu a odpruženie, čo umožńuje hráčovi dominovať na kurte.
Podrážka vhodná na všetky povrchy.
Zvršok z odolnej tkaniny a syntetického materiálu s vysokým oderom, ktorý odoláva treniu pri bočných pohyboch
Vystužená špička s tepelne utesnenými gumenými vložkami pre zvýšenie odolnosti
Medzipodošva, ktorá kombinuje dva systémy tlmenia FULL DUAL PULSOR: phylon s vyššou hustotou v oblasti päty, ktorý poskytuje stabilitu, a phylon s nižšou hustotou v spodnej časti, ktorý poskytuje vynikajúce odpruženie
Šnurovací systém s plochými šnúrkami pre lepšie zvládnutie tlaku na zadnú časť chodidla
System that ensures a perfect adherence to the foot for a personalized fit.
Material used in different areas of the shoe to strengthen resistance and durability.
A piece of TPU located in the narrowest part of the sole to avoid awkward rotation between the front and back part of the foot, thus achieving greater stability. In the upper range of the running models it is supplemented by a central triangular piece increasing the sole’s consistency. In a tennis shoe it is located in the midsole to keep the tread firm during lateral movements.
Technology used to reinforce the rubber of the sole that ensures durability without weighing down the shoe.
Slide Zone
Non-grip tread areas strategically placed on the sole to facilitate sliding on the court.
A technology providing the sole with greater durability thanks to high resistance rubber slowing down the wear caused by abrasion, thus extending the life of the shoe.
Exo Counter
Buttress that offers greater protection and comfort to the heel. Made externally in more resistant microfiber and internally in PVC and foam.
Full Dual Pulsor
Double phylon system with different densities to optimize cushioning. Provides the player flex and better absorption in the tread.
Injected rubber which means that there are no seams or other rigid materials in the upper part of the shoe. Providing lightness, comfort, increased flexibility and better adjustment to the foot. Its thickness is variable depending on the protection and resistance required by each area.